As an artist + a storyteller, I have an innerstanding that my creative practice is deeply regenerative and very healing. First and foremost, it is for me, a gift my ancestors + the cosmos places upon my head, blessing me. They gave me tools to be well and I have discovered art is that tool.
Some of my earliest memories are the dream-like worlds I created for myself while drawing, coloring + painting. Even my small child self quickly learned that making art made me feel good in my body.
My creativity is the first safe space I’ve ever known.
As a mother, a femme + indigenous person, creating art will always be about healing and liberation. Liberation from any thing or ideology that is not deeply rooted in love + community. Liberation from the mundane, liberation from fear, liberation from this world that often feels like a dream we are trying to escape.
When you are creating art you are communing with the divine + the vibration of the divine is one of healing. It is an open door for the soul to transmute and transcend, processing trauma from white supremacy, religious dogma, patriarchy, capitalism + colonization.
A community art offering for us all.
The intention of this mural is to honor and elevate the indigenous people of the Inland Empire, represented in the form of four grandmothers from following four tribes: Tongva, Cahuilla, Serrano + Luiseño, respectfully. We look to them as we protect our diverse cultures and steward our land, our medicine, our languages and ceremonial ways to nurture our children and our community.
May the four grandmothers serve as a reminder for all whose land they are standing on, to step with mindfulness, to step with care. The grandmothers will also serve as spiritual guardians for those who respect the divine feminine and Mother Earth, our oldest ancestor.
As a writer I’ve been weaving stories, blogging about family + culture on Pearmama since 2006. I’m grateful for the presence of mind I still possessed to write during a really wild time in my life [raising six souls everyday at home]. Somewhere along the road, social media got my full attention and I began sharing in this space less and less.
Naturally the way Spirit moves, the way energy flows back and forth like a pendulum swing, I feel led back here, to this site I built all those years ago. Sharing more of my spiritual language along with my art here, which I consider a homebase. Social media no longer feels like a welcoming space for creatives and for sharing sacred work.
Pearmama dot com has through many incarnations and iterations, much like myself + the way I’ve discovered I can marry my art and my writing is such a delicious, satisfying feeling, much like sharing a beautiful secret with the world. In that spirit, I created Corn Sister, a place to share spiritual truths from the ancient heartspace, Divine Mother cosmology + ancestral healing.
In the late 70’s my mother’s father – my Tata (grandfather) – ventured from East L.A to the Inland Empire, bought some land and built his family’s home from the ground up. He cleared the land, grew plants, built a corral for horses, pigs, geese + a chicken coop. They even had an outdoor tub to bathe in while the house was being built. It felt like an adventure. Tata was laying the blueprint for us as a family. Pirúl trees were everywhere in the community and they lined the edges of my grandparent’s property.
When I close my eyes, I see myself as a very young child
running through the grass with my little brother
a wild pack of cousins
riding bikes + playing hide and seek at night under the pirúl trees
breathing in their distinctive peppery, medicinal scent
their tall bodies covering us with a canopy of feathery leaves
the papery skin of the pink berries crushed in our little hands
Anytime I saw a pepper tree I knew I was home, or close to it
The Divine Mother in Green is grounded in the Earth realm, deep within the soil. Beneath the peppery fronds of the pirúl tree, a sweet babe near her breasts. Underneath this powerful tree relative, they are safe, protected + nourished – all is well. In the higher realms, the Great Mother is the embodiment of the divine, birthing ideas into existence from the dark spaces. Her lap is open to us all during this sacred time of reconnecting, of healing our broken hearts + our broken lineages. Mother is calling us to be in right relationship with her, with the land. In doing this holy work, the healing vibration of reciprocity + accountability reverberates to one another, to our communities.
When your people – your relatives – are in the ancestral plane, know they are now in the full embodiment of love. Honor them because they came before you + they intimately understand your steps.
They want a taste of this life again.
They want to see us live beautifully.
They want to help us.
They want us to venerate them.
They want offerings.
Know you are divinely guided by your ancestors. Know that your people are always with you, standing behind you, beside you and walking before you. As you sleep, as you create, as you travel the dreamstate, know they are large + powerful guides, protecting the souls here to do shadow work, liberation work.
Know that your healing reverberates through your bloodline and changes the energy for seven generations in both directions, past and future. If you make a sacred space for them + commune with them, your ancestors will reveal themselves to you. You will discover they have lovingly been with you this entire time.
Our inner spaces are all-seeing + all-knowing. They point our heart to the literal spaces within, the ephemeral, the unseen realms, the other-worldly, the liminal spaces we inhabit.
When we are rooted in self-love and acceptance
rooted in the great cosmic Mother
rooted to our indigenous ancestors
our inner worlds flourish + expand.
We begin to clearly see our visions, our dreams + the truths we uncover all on our own, our intuition and innerspaces acting as the guiding light.
While flowing thru a guided meditation, the Akashic Records let me see myself as a child. Walking in a field, colors were muted tones, my hair long and black, my skin brown. I used to be in nature all the time ~ running in the grass, climbing trees, going to the park, swimming in the river, camping on the beach, listening to the trees + the birds. I was happy.
Then they showed me in the dark parts of my life: stuck inside the house, in an office, in a church.
The Records wanted me to know I need to return to nature, to commune with the Earth on a daily basis. There I will be well.