Trust + creativity

Art created to raise positive vibrations by Pearmama.

When I trust myself, I create…

I really sat back and meditated on this sentence because I am wholeheartedly one hundred percent infinity the type of person who has not always trusted my inner wisdom. As I tried to unpack this, I couldn’t help but envision all the wonderful things I create when I trust myself.

When I trust myself, I create works of art. I take paint and a paintbrush and I make something come alive from an idea spark in my mind. I cut little pieces of paper and make organic shapes with a brush, scribble with a marker and I sprinkle it with gold leaf and it becomes something real, tangible.

When I trust myself, I create another life. I trust love. I trust my body. I trust my partner. I place my body in their hands. Together, that love and passion creates another soul walking this planet.

When I trust myself, I create relationships that are authentic and long-lasting. When I trust myself, I create a healthy environment for me and my children to thrive in. When I trust myself, I create a positive mind frame about my body + my skin and I feel beautiful, vibrant, lush, divine.

When I trust myself, I step into my power. 

This is the heart space I really want to exist in every day. 



Water babe

Art created to raise positive vibrations by Pearmama.

I’m a water person — I love being in the water or near it. Yes, I’m a water sign, too (Pisces gang gang).

The ocean, the lake, the river, a bathtub, a hot spring, jacuzzi, swimming pool, in the shower, my mother’s womb— I see water and everything in me wants to jump in, relax in it, glide my hands through it, be reborn in it. I was even led to give birth in water four times, at home, surrounded by my loved ones. ⁣I always said I would never give birth on dry land.

I’ve come to this place in my life where I experience spiritual exchanges and downloads and they happen when I’m in the water. Sitting in the bathtub. Staring into the ocean. Watering my plants. Standing in the shower. Swimming in the ocean. My mind is blown away by things revealed to me. ⁣

Things my soul already knew, it just needed my heart and mind to catch up.


This illustration was created by me using the Procreate app.

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