For many years I was consistently writing and blogging on Pearmama. Then nearly ten years ago, Instagram got my full attention — I began sharing in this space less and less. But I feel led back and want to really lean in to the freedom I have here.
I aim to be more intentional about sharing my art and spiritual offerings because Instagram no longer feels like a welcoming space for creatives and it reeks of regurgitated energy. The algorithm is really bizarre, too.
My work is too sacred for that space.
I’m grateful for my Pearmama site I created back in 2006. It’s been through many incarnations, much like myself, and it’s here that I can share freely + provide access to my art. In that spirit, I created a category called Corn Sister, a place to share spiritual truths from the ancient heartspace, Divine Mother cosmology + ancestral healing. I’m looking forward to creating more offerings to uplift and raise the collective vibration.
Thank you for being here.