Green Marble Tile: New Bathroom, Who Dis

When I wandered past this Caribbean green marble tile in the store, my jaw dropped. The green was amazing and it gave me all the spa feels. Not the most traditional tile choice, but I had to have it. In fact, this green tile was the inspiration for the entire bathroom.
DIY Loteria Card Coasters

I’ve been obsessed with Loteria — Mexican bingo — since I was a little girl. I mean, I wouldn’t be your typical Chicana cliché if I wasn’t. Whenever the fam bam got together during our annual summer camping trip in Baja California, we always played Loteria by the campfire. My Nana would hand out a […]
Make this! Wearable art: Hand-painted clutch bag

Want to stand out in the crowd? Personalize this inexpensive clutch bag by adorning it with black craft paint and organic shapes. I will be in Utah this week for the Altitude Summit, also known as Alt Summit, one of the “premier business conferences for pioneering and rookie bloggers and creatives in this space.” I […]
Make your own: Painted terracotta pots

If you have several succulent plants in need of terracotta pots, you can spruce them up with some craft paint for maximum curb appeal. Succulents are my jam. The only green plant I can’t seem to kill. Beyond their penchant for survival, they are beautiful to look at. Plump, lovely organic shapes in all shades […]
Paint this: Geometric Wall Design

Transform a wall in your home into a work of art. All you need to create this geometric design is paint from Sherwin-Williams, painters tape and patience. My home is filled with colorful walls and furniture and I love it. My home office, however, looked like it belonged in another home — it was plain […]
DIY: Mexican Serape Pillows

If you’re a sentimental mama like me, then you’ll love this simple diy: Mexican fabric pillows that I repurposed from serapes I bought my sons on a camping trip to Baja California. I have to tell you the story of these three serapes I’ve saved for the past nine years. They belonged to my three […]
How to: Refresh a Patio Table

It usually happens this way. I’m sitting down relaxing outside while my girls play, observing my surroundings and minding my own business when inspiration will strike. Ooh, that would look cool if I painted it turquoise. I bet if we built a wall we could hang all of our wrought iron crosses. Let’s hang a […]
DIY: Mexican Fabric-Wrapped Bangles

We love the Mexican fabric trend! Make your own fashion statement by creating your own Mexican-fabric wrapped bangle bracelets. Bangles and bracelets, you can never have too many. I’m a jeans and tee kind of gal, so brightly colored bangles give my style a little bit of oomph. I’m really loving the Mexican fabric trend […]
DIY: Clay heart-shaped jewelry dish

Everyone loves hearts. Make this simple heart-shaped clay dish to store your jewelry and the things you love. I almost never work with clay, but I was inspired by this lovely DIY project I saw on the interwebs one day. Since it’s February and the month of love, I thought I’d tweak it ever so […]
Hopeless Romantic: Glitter Heart TOMS shoes

Nothing says Valentine’s Day than a sweet pair of pink shoes with glitter hearts. Let me show you how to make your own! I don’t care if Valentine’s day is next week, I think it’s sweet to rock hearts all year long. It’s one of my favorite motifs to decorate with. Paper mache crafts, clothes, […]