Make your own: Painted terracotta pots

If you have several succulent plants in need of terracotta pots, you can spruce them up with some craft paint for maximum curb appeal. Succulents are my jam. The only green plant I can’t seem to kill. Beyond their penchant for survival, they are beautiful to look at. Plump, lovely organic shapes in all shades […]
Paint this: Geometric Wall Design

Transform a wall in your home into a work of art. All you need to create this geometric design is paint from Sherwin-Williams, painters tape and patience. My home is filled with colorful walls and furniture and I love it. My home office, however, looked like it belonged in another home — it was plain […]
DIY: Mexican Serape Pillows

If you’re a sentimental mama like me, then you’ll love this simple diy: Mexican fabric pillows that I repurposed from serapes I bought my sons on a camping trip to Baja California. I have to tell you the story of these three serapes I’ve saved for the past nine years. They belonged to my three […]
How to: Refresh a Patio Table

It usually happens this way. I’m sitting down relaxing outside while my girls play, observing my surroundings and minding my own business when inspiration will strike. Ooh, that would look cool if I painted it turquoise. I bet if we built a wall we could hang all of our wrought iron crosses. Let’s hang a […]
DIY: Personalize your front porch with stencils

I recently got some goodies from Plaid in the mail, including some FolkArt Multi-Surface paint and Handmade Charlotte stencils. I know everyone is in high crafting mode, making Halloween stuff but in the midst of school starting, blogging and traveling (I’ll be sharing more about my New York travels very soon), I haven’t really had […]