Modern Art 4 Kids: Found Object Sculpture

I don’t like creepy things but I do love baby doll heads. Not the actual dolls themselves. Just their heads. Hah. My daughters are now 11 and 12 so they are sadly past the doll stage. This means I came up on all of their discarded dolls, which in turn left me with a pile of […]

Create Your Own Pop Art Family Portraits

How to make your own Pop Art portraits.

Make your own creative Pop Art portraits à la Andy Warhol using simple wooden craft squares, craft paint and Mod Podge. I had an idea for Christmas ornaments using my family’s portrait. It was borne out of the fact that Xixi’s handmade gingerbread ornament that she made in kindergarten broke in half when we were decorating the […]

Dia de los Muertos: Frida y Diego Paper Collage

Create your own Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera paper collage for Dia de los Muertos using colored scrapbook paper, scissors, glue and markers.

Create your own Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera collage for Dia de los Muertos using colored paper, scissors and markers. I have an obsession with Frida Kahlo and I’m not ashamed. She will always be my muse–with her creativity, her passion, her style and her life. I love Frida Kahlo and Dia de los Muertos […]

DIY Batik: Glue Resist Fabric Prints

Love the look of traditional batik but intimidated by the process? Make your “batik” prints on fabric using a simple glue resist method. I have a confession to make. When I was in third grade, I wanted to be an artist. When I was in seventh grade, I wanted to be a marine biologist (until […]

DIY Paper Mache Heart Boxes

DIY Paper Mache Heart Boxes

Make these adorable paper mache “boxes” out of clay and then paint them with happy colors in this fun kids craft. It was a cold, rainy Saturday and my younger kids wanted to do something creative. They enjoy being my art class guinea pigs. For some time now, I was inspired by this sweet papier–mâché […]

Kids craft: Favorite Food Collage

One of my absolutely favorite art projects to do is collage. What exactly is a collage, you may be wondering. col·lage   /kəˈläZH/ Noun  A form of art in which various materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric are arranged and stuck to a backing.  A composition made in this way. I’ve done […]