Wise Woman, 2020
Art: Digital
Artist: Denise Silva

Men and their patriarchal systems (capitalism, church, government) did what they could to destroy the indigenous Wise Woman of the New World. The ones who healed with herbs, flowers and roots. The mothers, the birthworkers, the midwives, the medicine women — curanderas— and the ones who celebrated the cyclical ways.⁣

For so many of us, this broke the sacred flow of mother to daughter transmission of vital knowledge. Knowledge of plants, flowers, moon cycles, healing, childbirth — of ourselves. ⁣It feels like we’ve spent lifetimes wandering in the dark.

Without our connection to each other, to the Earth, to PACHAMAMA, without our mother’s wisdom, grandmother’s wisdom, we have forgotten our power + purpose.⁣

Wise Woman, remember. Time to rise up.

Art Offering: Buy Wise Woman

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