
I’ve spent the last eleven years of my life being a writer.

It’s what pays the bills, it’s what keeps this site happening on the innanets. Some days, though, I feel like I’ve written all the words I have inside me. I’m empty. This has everything to do with my season of life at the moment.

But, art. I had forgotten the creative artist inside of me. She was suffering and waiting her turn.

I’ve always loved the feeling of creating art. Art has a power all its own and artists have the gift to wield that power. It’s a heady sensation. Like I can do amazing things, things other people aren’t capable of. I can make you see things. I can make you feel them too. It makes me feel 100 feet tall, unstoppable, like this is why I was born. But it’s such an ephemeral feeling, one I try to get a firm grasp on but never seem to be able to. It slips through my fingers as quickly as it came.

But today, this week, this month, this year…art came bursting through the clouds to snatch me up.

#AlasParaVolar Welcome Party

I got to do something really amazing recently. I attended We All Grow Summit in Long Beach for the third year in a row. I look forward to this event because I love to be inspired and enjoy the “energy of sisterhood”. My brother Jeshua and I were asked to create a Frida Kahlo-inspired photo backdrop for the #AlasParaVolar Welcome Party. Of course, we said yes.


Alas para volar means wings to fly and it is from a famous Frida Kahlo quote:

Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?

We wanted to create a beautiful set of wings that would even make Frida proud. Wings to stand tall in front of. Wings to inspire others to fly.

I’m so happy I got to do this project with my baby brother. We listened to really good music, we laughed, we cried, had deep conversations and encouraged one another when we needed that extra push. He was a great painting partner, even at 3 am after I gulped down a Cuban coffee.



This 8-foot by 8-foot painting was going to be used as a photo backdrop, so the party-goers could pose in front of it and embrace their inner Frida. As we were painting it, I kept envisioning all of the lovely people who would be standing in front of it.

The unfinished painting, getting moved to its new location.


The party was a beautiful celebration and everyone looked so lively with their flower crowns made by L.A designer Raggedy Tiff.


Frida was everywhere.


The wings were set out against the water so attendees of the event could continue taking pictures in front of it. It was amazing to see it standing there, giving people so much life. Me included.


How amazing is this blue color? Remember the blue Frida wall project I created a while back? Many thanks to Sherwin-Williams for sending me another gallon of Hyper Blue SW 6965 as the perfect backdrop to our wings.

RELATED: Frida Kahlo-inspired Blue Patio Wall


I couldn’t have made it happen without my brother Jeshua. He is an incredible artist in his own right. What can’t he do?


Own Your Vision

I was at this conference as a lifestyle blogger but suddenly I was also introducing myself as a creative entrepreneur. It felt like I pushed through a wall — truly owning the vision I had for my life.


My vision was to share this other part of myself. I also participated in the Latina Makers Market, selling prints of my most recent Frida Kahlo-inspired artwork. I painted seven canvas designs and three mixed medium collage pieces in this Frida collection. Making prints is something I’ve wanted to do for years. I’m so glad I took the leap of faith and did it.


If you’re interested in purchasing a print of my original Frida Kahlo artwork, please go to my Pearmama Etsy shop.

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