Watch this YouTube video and learn how to paint the perfect sugar skull makeup on your child to celebrate Day of the Dead.

Dia de los Muertos is upon us!

Bring on the dancing calacas.
Can you feel the Danza drumbeat in synch with your heartbeat?
The smell of sage and copal making the air misty and white.
Your hair rustling in the cool Fall air.
Candlelight, altars, pan de muertos and marigolds.

My kids have grown to love this holiday as much as I do–and I mean, really they have no choice! In our house, the entire month of October is saturated with all things Day of the Dead. They see the flutter of creative energy happening, and they want to be involved.

RELATED: DIY Sugar Skull Travel Mug

Tomorrow, my family will head over to downtown Riverside and partake in the local celebration. But first, we must paint our face!

If your kids are anything like mine, then of course they want to get their face painted!  We are planning on a major face painting sesh tomorrow before we head downtown so I am fortifying myself with coffee and leftover Halloween candy. I am soooo thankful my kids hate Mounds chocolate.

First, go to Michael’s and buy some Tulip Body Art paint (don’t forget your coupons). I use a combination of Tulip Body Art, grease paint (the regular old kind you can find during Halloween) and inexpensive makeup brushes.

Watch this YouTube video and learn how to paint the perfect sugar skull makeup on your child to celebrate Day of the Dead.

RELATED: DIY Sugar Skull Paper Lanterns

I painted a couple different looks. By no means am I a face-painting professional. I discovered it is way easier to paint my own face than a child who squirms and complains that the brushes tickle! Anyhow, check out my video below. The photos are different from the face painting video below but the tutorial is basically the same. Please give it a thumbs up and please don’t forget to subscribe!

RELATED: DIY Sugar Skull Lampshade


One Response

  1. Muy bonita! I’m so excited to share this magical time with my 7-yr old daughter and her Spanish Immersion school for All Souls Day! The mystery , glamour, history and wearing their unusual art on their faces and in their hair. What fun! Thank you for the incredibly informative video and instructions.

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