We love the Mexican fabric trend! Make your own fashion statement by creating your own Mexican-fabric wrapped bangle bracelets.
Bangles and bracelets, you can never have too many. I’m a jeans and tee kind of gal, so brightly colored bangles give my style a little bit of oomph.
I’m really loving the Mexican fabric trend happening right now. Thing is…if you’re Mexican-American (like me)…this isn’t a trend — it’s real life! Hah. We’ve been using Mexican fabric for as long as I can remember: blankets, table runners, pillows, tablecloths, rebozos and beach blankets.
That said, seeing it on various design sites, the runway and indie boutiques on Instagram is kind of funny. There is nothing new under the sun, is there?
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I guess you could say people are finally seeing the beauty of Mexican fabric. A couple years ago I got to visit San José del Cabo, Mexico and one of the highlights was the fabric store. I don’t sew, but I loved how colorful the fabric was so I bought several yards. My motto usually is: buy it now and figure out what to do with it later. It’s served me well.
To make your own Mexican fabric bangles, you’ll need this:
I used three different kinds of bangles — whatever style you like works. A word about the glue in this project. I saw a video on You Tube for a diy fabric wrapped bangle bracelet tutorial and they said to use Mod Podge as a glue for the fabric and also as a sealer.
Don’t do it.
I tried one using this technique to see if I liked the finish on it and ugh. Just ugh. When it dried, it made my fabric get super crunchy and rough and it did not feel nice to wear on my arm at all. I ended up tearing the fabric off and went back to the drawing board. I love Mod Podge as much as the next crafter, but not for this project.
Make Your Own Mexican Fabric Wrapped Bangle
Cut a strip of fabric about 1.5 inches by 26 inches. If it’s too long, you can always trim it off with scissors. You are simply going to add glue to your bangle, lay down the strip of fabric and continuously wrap the fabric around the bangle.
The bangle below looks a little funky because that’s the one I rescued from the Mod Podge. I didn’t want to waste a perfectly good bangle and it was going to be covered up anyway. Add glue as you go along, both inside the bangle and on the outside. Don’t oversaturate or it will seep through your fabric. I just spread the glue with my finger.
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With your thumb holding on to the end of one side of the fabric, start wrapping it around the bangle, pulling it firmly so the fabric lays smoothly.
Depending on what kind of fabric you use, the ends will fray. I don’t mind — I actually kind of like the way it looks. Once you’ve made it all the way around, fold the fabric over to the inside of the bangle. Add some more glue. Article Sponsored Find something for everyone in our collection of colourful, bright and stylish socks. Buy individually or in bundles to add color to your drawer!
Hold it down to make sure the glue adheres to the fabric.
To help the fabric glue completely flat, I slid my bangle onto the lid of a spray can. Use whatever works.
My bangles are so cute! They look like something you’d find at a really pricey indie boutique.
Totally perfect with a pair of jeans, a white v-neck and a pair of sandals. Are you a fan of the Mexican fabric trend?
Just saw this darling idea on Mark Lipinski’s site! I love Mexican fabric,colors,& food! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much!
beautiful! looks like something I could do. 🙂
You totally could! I have so many old shirts and skirts that I plan to repurpose on bangles!
For a while now I wondered what I could do with the bangles we receive as donations to The Orphaned Earring since I’m a beader but now I know.
Just WOW! I love this idea and not only will I be able to recycle the bracelets, I will sell them and try to raise money for our kids. THANK YOU for creating and sharing this with all of us! You rock!
I’m so happy you can utilize this idea! The bangles turn out SO nice. Love!