One of my absolutely favorite art projects to do is collage. What exactly is a collage, you may be wondering.




A form of art in which various materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric are arranged and stuck to a backing. 

A composition made in this way.

I’ve done many collage projects with Modern Art 4 Kids and one thing I’ve noticed is that once you release them of the responsibility of drawing something with a pencil, a child’s creativity kicks in and before you know it they are cutting out shapes feverishly, truly “drawing with scissors” as the artist Henri Matisse called it.

My daughters love to draw these intricately detailed sketches of people out shopping or out to lunch. When I saw their carefully drawn hot dog (complete with mustard and relish), I had a light bulb moment.

RELATED: Make a collage like Kandinsky craft for kids

Why not make a collage of their favorite food?

This project is fun, it’s visually interesting, colorful and unique. I love to see each child’s face light up when they realize they can cut paper into whatever shapes and it makes something entirely new and different.

And it’s amazing what each child comes up with. I’ll admit, I had more burgers than I knew what to do with, but in the end, I fell in love with the sundae, the banana split, sushi (this was Xixi’s–she even included chopsticks and a bowl of soy sauce!), a t-bone steak (yum) and pizza.

What you’ll need:

RELATED: Abstract painted tile squares for kids

As they were cutting up tiny shapes for ice cream sprinkles, bits of fish for the sushi, and the grill marks on the steak, I noticed they all had very focused and peaceful looks on their faces. That’s when I know the project was a success.

High five!

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